- getAnimated() - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Get the user's desired animation state.
- getBoard() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
Return the game board array.
- getDeadRobots() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
Return the curent score.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
Return the game board Height in Tiles.
- getHeight() - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Get the user's last height in tiles.
- getHeightInPixels() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCView
Return the view height in pixels.
- getHeightInTiles() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCView
Return the view height in tiles.
- getHighJumps() - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Get the user's previous high jumps.
- getHighLevel() - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Get the user's previous high level.
- getHighScore() - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Get the user's previous high score.
- getKeyCode() - Method in enum org.gcs.robot.Key
Get this Key's keyCode.
- getKeys() - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Get the user's key preferences; values are stored in the Key enum.
- getLevel() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
Return the curent game level.
- getLiveRobots() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
Return the number of robots left on this level.
- getMove() - Method in enum org.gcs.robot.Key
Return a move corresponding to this Key.
- getNextSet() - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCImage
Return the next set of images in the series.
- getPosition() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
Return the player's current position as a java.awt.Point
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCInfo
Return this panel's preferred size.
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCStatus
Return this panel's preferred size.
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCView
Return this panel's preferred size based on tile geometry.
- getSafeJumps() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
Return the number of safe jumps left.
- getSet() - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCImage
Return the current set of images.
- getTileSet() - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Get the user's previous tile set.
- getWidth() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
Return the game board Width in Tiles.
- getWidth() - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Get the user's last width in tiles.
- getWidthInPixels() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCView
Return the view width in pixels.
- getWidthInTiles() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCView
Return the view width in tiles.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RobotChase
- MINTILE - Static variable in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
The smallest permitted board is 8x8.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCInfo
Handle mouseClicked events.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCView
Handle mouseClicked events (unused).
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCView
Handle mouseDragged events.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCInfo
Handle mouseEntered events to set the cursor.
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCView
Handle mouseEntered events to set the cursor.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCInfo
Handle mouseExited events to restore the cursor.
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCView
Handle mouseExited events to restore the cursor.
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCView
Handle mouseMoved events (unused).
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCInfo
Handle mousePressed events.
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCView
Handle mousePressed events.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCInfo
Handle mouseReleased events.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCView
Handle mouseReleased events.
- move(int) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
Move in the given direction.
- move(int, int) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
Move toward the specified row and column.
- move() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
Move by jumping to a random location.
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCTile
Ask this tile to draw it's current image.
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCView
Draw a grid and tell each tile to repaint itself.
- pixelX(int) - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCTile
Convert a tile column number into an x pixel coordinate.
- pixelY(int) - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCTile
Convert a tile row number into a y pixel coordinate.
- POST - Static variable in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
This cell contains an electified post
- putAnimated(boolean) - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Set the user's desired animation state.
- putHeight(int) - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Set the user's new last height in tiles.
- putHighJumps(int) - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Set the user's new high jumps.
- putHighLevel(int) - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Set the user's new high level.
- putHighScore(int) - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Set the user's new high score.
- putKeys() - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Set the user's key preferences; values are read from the Key enum.
- putTileSet(String) - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Set the user's new tile set.
- putWidth(int) - Static method in class org.gcs.robot.RCPrefs
Set the user's new last width in tiles.
- RCHelp - Class in org.gcs.robot
RCHelp displays the game's instructions.
- RCHelp(JFrame) - Constructor for class org.gcs.robot.RCHelp
Construct an instance of RCHelp.
- RCImage - Class in org.gcs.robot
The RCImage class supplies images to the
- RCInfo - Class in org.gcs.robot
The RCInfo class is a view of the game's highlights.
- RCInfo(RCModel) - Constructor for class org.gcs.robot.RCInfo
Construct an informative view of the specified game.
- RCKeys - Class in org.gcs.robot
RCKeys manages custom key bindings.
- RCKeys(JFrame) - Constructor for class org.gcs.robot.RCKeys
Construct a key binding editor dialog.
- RCModel - Class in org.gcs.robot
The RCModel class models the game board as a two dimensional array.
- RCModel(int, int) - Constructor for class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
Construct a game board with the given dimensions.
- RCPrefs - Class in org.gcs.robot
The RCPref class manages persistent user data.
- RCStatus - Class in org.gcs.robot
The RCStatus class is a view of the game's status.
- RCStatus(RCModel) - Constructor for class org.gcs.robot.RCStatus
Construct a status view of the specified game.
- RCTile - Class in org.gcs.robot
The RCTile class handles drawing individual tiles on behalf of RCView.
- RCTile(RCView, int, int) - Constructor for class org.gcs.robot.RCTile
Construct a tile for the given row & column on a panel.
- RCView - Class in org.gcs.robot
The RCView class is the main view of the game board.
- RCView(RCModel) - Constructor for class org.gcs.robot.RCView
Construct a view of the specified game board.
- repaint() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCTile
- resetGame() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
Reset the game and initialize the first level.
- resetHilights() - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCInfo
Clear the user's previous high score & level; reset the game.
- resizeArray(int, int) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
Resize the game board array.
- resizeArray(int, int) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCView
Resize the game and view.
- restoreGame(int, int, int) - Method in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
Restore the game and initialize the current level.
- ROBOT - Static variable in class org.gcs.robot.RCModel
This cell contains a robot
- RobotChase - Class in org.gcs.robot
The RobotChase class controls the game.
- RobotChase(int, int) - Constructor for class org.gcs.robot.RobotChase
Construct a new game.